UntoMe is Your Bible-Based, Non-Religious, Relationship-based, Spiritual Resource
PLEASE JOIN US IN this GRACE message and opportunity
Becoming a Grace-filled community means being compassionate and merciful to those who are the least fortunate in our community: The Homeless, the Hungry, the Physically and Mentally Ill, Drug Addicts, Widows, Orphans, those in Prison, and at-risk youth. Giving grace to those in need in our community is a dividing line in humanity and important for the quality of your remaining time on Earth and for what you choose to happen after this life. It’s your choice…
At UntoMe, The Receiver is Blessed, The Giver is Blessed, and God gets the Glory!
UntoMe is based on he words and promises of Jesus of Nazareth.
Is Jesus a Religion?
Or, is Jesus a Personal Relationship we should pursue as if our current and eternal life depends on it?
UntoMe wants to introduce you to Jesus in a new way.
Do you believe that Jesus is a religion?
Was Jesus introduced to you as a religion, in a church?
Many people have ‘tried’ religion or church and have walked away. Some turn away from religion because they have been ‘hurt’ by their church (or people in the church). Some people feel judged and condemned by church and religion. Currently, many are pulling away from the ‘religious’ Jesus.
Do you believe that God is confined to churches?
Do you believe that you can only ‘get right’ with God by going to church?
Why did Jesus want to meet us “in spirit and in truth”?
By ‘pulling away’ from religion are you limiting your ability to receive Grace (unmerited favor) from God?
How would you know?
Click the link below to find out more…
Do You Think Jesus is a Religion or UntoMe is a ‘Religious’ website?
Why Unto Me?
For years, I have witnessed the high poverty rates in East Hawaii and I have noticed that ‘guilt, shame and regret’ are common detours or roadblocks in many people’s lives who grew up here or live here.
UntoMe is a public charity that will bless everyone in our community – because, while the ‘least fortunate’ need Grace and blessings, so do the ‘most fortunate’! Everyone can use more Grace and blessings! UntoMe is a spiritual portal where both the ‘giver’ and the ‘receiver’ are blessed, and God gets all the glory!
UntoMe is bringing words of Jesus Christ into the present time. Jesus said, “That which YOU do for the least among you, here and now, you do Unto Me.”
For me, this turns what could otherwise be a simple donation to the poor into a direct reply to Jesus. Your donation to UntoMe answers Jesus’s call. I believe that Jesus himself takes this act both personally and seriously. This act of giving is a dividing line in humanity and has both immediate and eternal ‘consequence’. Please see for yourself: read Matthew 25: 31-46 and I think you will understand. All donations to UntoMe specifically answer the call of Jesus in Matthew 25.
Read the Unto Me Vision, Mission and About Statement CLICK HERE
What does “Blessed to be a Blessing” (B2BAB) mean?
UntoMe is the only public charity I know of where the ‘giver’ gets blessed by God when the ‘receiver’ gets bless by man. This is NOT a ‘prosperity’ message - it is the the promise of God in His word. Through your donation to UntoMe, every ‘giver’ is positioned to receive God’s blessings – which are promised in God’s Word- the Bible. I believe that God cannot and will not lie. His Word is truth and will come to pass.
When you donate, you position yourself, your group, organization or company for future blessings, grace and favor.
You position yourself for God’s Grace and blessings
“He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,
And He will pay back what he has given.” Proverbs 19:17
You position yourself for happiness
“But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he. ”Proverbs 14:21
You position yourself for mercy
Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7
And, you will receive an email receipt for your tax-deductible charitable donation.
I really look forward to seeing the testimonies from both the givers and the receivers of how they were blessed by the UntoMe community “Circle of Grace” experience. Could you use more Grace and blessings? Get involved!
What is the difference between the ‘Grace of God’ and the ‘grace of man’?
There are two kinds of Grace:
Big ‘G’ Grace = The ‘Grace of God’ to people. God’s Grace comes in many forms: gifts, ‘natural’ talents, abilities to learn and earn money, to prosper and enjoy ‘success’ in life. God INTENDS for everyone to receive His Grace. Get involved! Learn how to be a better ‘Grace receiver’ at UntoMe.org.
Little ‘g’ grace = the ‘grace of people’ to people. Human grace is the act of giving love, hope, charity, aloha to anyone, or to those less fortunate. ‘Spending’ your human grace on those who are ‘less fortunate’ positions you to receive ‘fresh’ Grace from God into your life! Get involved! Learn how to be a better ‘grace giver’ at UntoMe.org.
“Community Circle of Grace” Teaching - Click Link Below
About the founder, Dr. Gregory Pouls
“Through UntoMe, my life has a purpose.” I welcome everyone in our community to join me by participating in UntoMe’s ‘Community Circle of Grace’ project.
I have invested my time and money in the creation and formation of UntoMe as a public charity that benefits the ‘least fortunate’ people in our community. I am also presently paying all administrative costs, so that all of your donation goes to our ‘neighbors in need’. I consider this ‘spending some of the Grace’ that God gave me- into our community. I am praying that everyone will participate or get involved in allowing aloha, compassion and grace to ‘grow and flow’ in our personal and community circles. Please take the time to learn how UntoMe benefits everyone- how you are ‘Blessed to be a Blessing” where both the ‘giver’ and ‘receiver’ are blessed! This is a unique community experience in both Godly and human grace, or ‘unmerited favor’. Everybody needs more Grace! UntoMe shows you how. Please click here to see: Dr. Gregory Pouls History & Accomplishments.