Introduction To
Completing the
“Circle of Grace”
in East Hawaii
Read This Introduction First
A Community Experience in Aloha, Compassion and Grace.
UntoMe is a “Portal of Grace”, where both the giver and receiver is “Blessed to be a Blessing”.
Get involved – you will like it!
God is Bigger Than You Think!
Brief Introduction
The goal of UntoMe is to teach EVERYONE about Grace and how to fully activate their personal ‘circle of grace’, by learning how to receive God’s Grace and how to give away ‘human’ grace. This is a new way of thinking and believing. First, you must understand Grace. Second, you need to understand the process. Finally, you form new, upgraded beliefs. Third, you must practice. This process, if you persist, will create positive changes in your life and the lives of those around you.
Grace doesn’t make sense to the worldly minded.
UntoMe is bringing to our community a new, fresh perspective on God’s Grace – BASED ON GOD’S INTENT, rather on other people’s judgment or your performance or self-worth.
It all Begins with Love:
We are All called to: Love our Neighbors – as we love ourselves.
Here is the BIG Questions:
Do you know about God’s ‘amazing’ Grace?
Do you know how to receive God’s unearned favor called Grace?
Do you know how to position yourself for God’s blessings and favor?
Would you like to know how?
Just like in our personal families, our East Hawaii Ohana has kids and adults that simply require more time, more, love, and more grace to simply ‘make it’ in life.
Many of these people have not been shown how to receive God’s Grace in their ‘home’ environment, or lack the self-esteem to be able to receive God’s Grace. They simply don’t BELIEVE they merit Grace or favor from God. Since God responds to BELIEF (or faith), this becomes a self-fulfilling belief system. God will not force even his Grace upon anyone. You must be able to believe for it.
To assist these neighbors who aren’t able to receive God’s Grace, UntoMe is asking for people in our community, who have ALREADY RECEIVED God’s Grace into their lives, to ‘spend’ some human grace into these ‘less fortunate’ people’s lives – through
This is just the very beginning of assisting our ‘neighbors in need’ and helping them learn how to more fully receive God’s Grace. We are assisting them to help their ‘Personal Circle of Grace’ get started.
For the ‘givers’, this act of giving human grace, completes a revolution in their ‘Personal Circle of Grace’, which makes room for God to sow more Grace and blessings into their (the giver’s) life – and their ‘Circle of Grace’ repeat
This is your opportunity to participate in making true, long-lasting changes in your life, in other people’s lives and to prove that Aloha is real.
Keep reading- you will understand.
The ‘Rules of Grace’
God has Grace for every person.
Grace is the essence of God’s love, “The Grace of God”.
Grace is free favor.
God’s Grace is unlimited. Freely given.
Grace can come in many forms: physical, mental/emotional, financial, relational; Grace can be gifts, talents, abilities, healings, “doors opening”, unexpected breakthroughs, etc. These are all the things that make a person’s life better and easier for them to be a contributing member of our community Ohana.
Grace flows like a river – at you, with you, then past you. Grace is active.
There is a “Circle of Grace” that involves both the receiving of God’s Grace and the giving of man’s grace.
Grace is always free – no strings attached.
Nobody deserves Grace.
You can’t earn Grace.
God INTENDS for you to have Grace.
You CAN learn to be able to receive more OF “God’s grace”.
You CAN learn to give away human grace, “The grace of man”.
You cannot hoard Grace. Attempting to hoard grace will limit your ability to receive ‘future’ Grace.
Giving away grace will improve your ability to receive ‘future’ Grace.
There are two main aspects of Grace:
Grace always edifies. (shores up, helps out, ‘uplifts’, provides free ‘upgrades’ to people)
Grace always gives God ALL the glory. For both the source of grace and for the outcome (fruit) of the grace provided.
Giving away human grace is not about you getting credit for doing ‘something nice’. Giving grace has little to do with the size of your bank account. Giving away human grace is about the size of your heart and compassion for your ‘less fortunate’ neighbors (lacking in Grace) in our own community. Giving away grace ‘builds you up’ in many ways, and prepares you for more Grace coming into your life.
World economics are based on fear, ‘getting mine’, and debt slavery. Grace economics is based on love, compassion and generosity. Learning ‘Grace economics’ gives you a peek into God’s economy. This is a new way of thinking and believing for many people.
WARNING: DO NOT use received Grace to do evil or anything that your conscience tells you is ‘wrong before God’. The source of Grace will not be mocked.
Why do Some People Lack Grace?
What is Grace deficiency or Grace shortage?
All people, rich or poor, business owner, or houseless neighbor can suffer from Grace deficiency in their lives.
Grace shortage, or deficiency, can result from not understanding how Grace works, or being able to fully receive God’s Grace or ‘spend’ human grace.
What does this mean? Read on,,,
Grace Shortage: The Receiver
Every family has one or more kids or adults that need more grace.
Sometimes, for many reasons, these people end up living on our streets or on your sofa.
Their personal ‘Circle of Grace’ has not been fully activated. The ‘river of Grace’ into their life is going dry.
To learn how to become a better receiver of God’s Grace, please read the FULL VERSION of this teaching - LINK is located at the top of this article.
Grace Shortage: the Giver
‘Successful’ community members sometimes overlook the fact that it was by being able to receive God’s Grace into their lives that contributed to their eventual ‘success’ in life.
God’s Grace can come in meeting ‘the right’ person, being in the ‘right place at the right time’, a remarkable ‘coincidence’, etc., where you thought, “I got lucky.”
To those who consider themselves ‘self-made’, this is a wake-up call.
Your ‘headstart in life’ and your personal ‘Circle of Grace’ was activated by God’s Grace, but if you want to continue to receive ‘fresh’ Grace into your life, you must make way for it.
You cannot hoard Grace. You cannot dam-up the ‘river of Grace’.
You only get more Grace by giving some human grace away. Giving away grace is easy. Simply find a way to uplift the life of someone less fortunate than you: a friendly smile and/or kind words are ‘free grace’ that everyone can spend. A gift of your time or helpful goods, or a monetary donation to UntoMe
or other qualified charitable organization that upgrade the dignity and life of the most vulnerable and least-fortunate among us. Giving grace today makes room for more Grace to flow into your life.
To learn how to become a better giver of human grace, please read the FULL VERSION of this teaching - LINK is located at the bottom of this article.
The Solution:
Learning how to fully receive the big ‘G’ Grace of God, and
Learning how to fully give away the little ‘g’ grace of humans,
and learning how to complete the ‘Circle of Grace’ in your own life.
Summary: We ALL Need More Grace! is a ‘portal of grace’, specifically created to forward your monetary donation of grace to:
The Food Basket (Community food bank).
Hope Services (Community emergency shelter).
Good News Jail and Prison Ministry (Spiritual Counseling).
Other Qualified Charitable Organizations and Community Service-based Groups.
Just imagine what your world and our community will look like if everyone could fully receive God’s Grace and fully give away man’s grace… personal and community ‘wheels of grace’ fully turning, river of Grace fully flowing into our community.
You can choose, right now, to participate with UntoMe in our
community movement of grace.
UntoMe’s administrative costs have always been, and will always be, fully funded by the founder. ALL of your donation (minus CC card or PayPal processing fees) will go to help the most vulnerable and least fortunate of our neighbors in our East Hawaii community.
Now that you understand the ‘problems’ involved with receiving Grace and giving grace, let’s explore the solutions. This course in '“Completing the Circle of Grace” is 18 pages long. You can read it now by clicking this link: